Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Fiscal New Year!

Today, marks the start of our Federal Governments new Fiscal Year!  ….Now that the Streamers and Confetti and empty bottles of champagne have been cleaned up….let’s pop a few ($trillion) aspirin from last night’s (year’s) hangover and see where we stand (more like kneeling) today.  Oh God my head hurts….pass the soda crackers please.

The federal government now spends $7 million a minute.

Within three years, the government will spend more than $1 billion a day just to pay the interest on our debt.

The debt is on pace to double in 10 years.

Our national debt is more than $13 trillion, which means every man, woman and child owes $42,000 to debt holders.  Let’s just all cut a check and get this hangover to go away. 

Wait, but that’s only our National Debt, which is our Government (Public) side of the equation.  Let’s slop in the total Consumer’s debt, which is $11.7 Trillion or another $39,000 per man, woman and child.

So, actually let’s each cut a check for $81,000 and pretend we all blacked out last night and those bad decisions after 2am didn’t really happen. 

Hold on, over 40% of Americans don’t even pay any income tax, so how can they be expected to pay there own way…come on fair is fair and obviously these people need help….so they shouldn’t be cutting that check. 

Let’s re-distribute the wealth and have 60% of the American’s cover the Tab.  So all American’s who pay tax cut a check for $135,000 and then we can all get outta bed today…party on Wayne…after all last night didn’t really happen right?

Wait a second, that isn’t fair either…Our, most respected leader, or should I call him the “Lord and Savior” of Change….remember he starting going to church again…says that this 60% is primarily the Middle-Class and they need tax breaks….not increases! 

So, instead of the top 60% erasing our memory from last night, let’s have those real heavy-hitters bite the bullet….you know who you are, that 5% of all tax-payers…stand up, show yourself.  Now since you are so lucky to be “rich” and definitely didn’t work any harder than the 40% paying zero tax….and your Head-Ache obviously isn’t as bad as the rest of “ours” from last night because you can afford that really expensive top-shelf alchohol.  Can you?…wait scratch that…You are now ORDERED to pay $1.62 million each….no more “Dom” or “Cristal” for you!

Back to the Korbel and that bottom shelf….after all you need to feel like the rest of us again and spend the rest of the day on your knees praying to the “porcelain god”….

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