Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cities Finest: "To Serve and Protect".....You? or their Wallets?

Question:  What is the correct Title for our Cities Finest?  You know, the one’s wearing those shiny gold badges and sparkling dark blue uniforms……. Is it LAW Enforcement???......or is it SWEET-HEART PENSION Enforcement?

Last week, to my surprise (well, after my write-up you can see why I wasn’t all that surprised after-all)….I received a Voice-Mail on my Cell Phone from a Live, in-person, local POLICEMAN.  At first, I was taken back, thinking….Oh great, what the heck did I do….right?  He introduced himself as a police-officer from the local Police Department, than continued on telling me that He and “All” of the cities Police Department were fully supporting, backing and voting for a particular candidate…and than (he really used these words) for the “safety of “our” communities’ future” I should vote for this Candidate come election day.

At risk of not being so eloquent he went with his version, but this is what he really meant to say: ”I am a trusted Community figure and by gosh I’m going to use my power in my Self-Serving favor.  Right now, every year I work, I get a measly 3% of my salary put towards my pension when I retire.  So….anotherwords….if I work for 30 years….I get 90% (3% X 30 years) of my last, Highest earning year….FOR LIFE.  I am currently in my 40’s and have been in the force for 15 years….my current Salary is $125,000 and have made $1.5 million from the city over my past 15 years of service….I only have 15 more years left and than I can retire at $140,000+/- for the Rest of my life….which equates to a Total Cost of my employment & pension to the City of just under $8 MILLION if I live to be 85 years old…..After all, I work in a city where my life is never put on the line, the crime rate is Negative AND I write more parking tickets than rabbits have babies.…..

So please, for the love of god!!  Vote for this candidate who has Promised to never, ever take away these unbelievably ridiculous benefits I am currently receiving… return I just have to convince you stupid voters to get this Political Sell-out in office and than I will continue to live-off YOUR, Tax-Payer Money FOREVER!!!   Mmmmmuuuuuuuhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhhaaahhhaahhaahahahahahahahaha.….

Now go Vote…..So I can be the Richest Man in Town…..and the Ultimate PENSION ENFORCER!"

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